
Wednesday 26 November 2008

Limbo time as CCs tenure hangs in the balance

Another important fixture, another winless game. Colin Calderwood may have been happy with the performance and the way we fought our way back into the game but is it enought to save his skin?

Our survival bid has stuttered along in recent weeks with draws not enough to pull us closer to the pack. Charlton and Watford have recently parted company with the men at the helm and with the inevitable kick-start in fortunes that that will bring our position at the foot of the table was perilous.

A trusted Donny fan friend of mine said Tuesday's encounter was a poor game and looked very much like two struggling teams struggling against each other - both of whom would've tasted defeat if up against another side in the division. In fact with James Coppinger's strike possibly crossing the line things could've been much worse.

The end of the game brought the first really audible 'Calderwood Out' chants from the Tricky diehards - and Calderwood was unwise to dismiss them as an insignificant minority. With just two wins in 19 games grumblings should be expected.

The calls for his head continued from the cyber warriors and the national press linked us with the likes of Davies, Dowie, Allardyce and Boothroyd which seemed to me to be simply the papers compiling a list of out of work bosses to match up with a bottom of the table side.

However, whispers and gossip aplenty kept whisking its way around the world wide web - surely Arthur was to be wheeled out for the obligatory 'vote of confidence' statement today??

A trusted friend then heard Big Sam was out of the running but Davies was in the frame - a mixed message, did that mean CC was due for the boot?? Was an announcement imminent? The rumour mill was steadily heating up to a frenzy.

Then the Evening Post website confirmed that Big Sam wants a Prem job (Blackburn it is then...) and that Billy Davies has held preliminary talks with us.

I know the Post doesn't have the best of reputations among the masses following the 'It's Baggio' debacle but surely they must feel confident to put this story out. If true it strikes as odd - why conduct talks for a position that isn't vacant?

As the day ends we're left with more questions than answers - Are we talking with Billy? Is anyone else in the running? Will CC get the boot? Will the board move to confirm or deny the many managerial stories out there on the net? Will we sign anyone before the end of the loan window?

It's been a day of rumour, intrigue and plot - hopefully by this time tomorrow we'll have the answers!

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