
Friday 23 October 2015

16 questions I'm pondering about Forest under Fawaz

I can't decide what the most appropriate description is any more. Are Forest a soap opera, a circus or one of those trashy 'scripted reality' ITV shows? The Only Way Is Mid Table? (or is that ambitious)

Today saw the departure of Leon Hunter, the football co-ordinator drafted in from Stevenage to, seemingly, add some much needed structure and strategy to the running of the club.

His resignation was followed by some worrying comments from Telegraph journalist John Percy, which only added to the prevailing mood on social media.

The whole situation had added to a growing list of mysteries surrounding the running of the club. I'm not arrogant enough to think I speak for everyone - or that I'm 'important' enough to get answers - but here's 16(ish) questions that I'd love to know the answers to...

*Why has Leon Hunter really left?

*Hunter's departure is similarly swift to the exit of Paul Faulkner as chief executive. What prompted Faulkner to leave his post at the City Ground?

*Is it true that employees of the club were paid late? If so, why?

*Why do we, from time to time, encounter the threat of legal action over unpaid bills?

*Who exactly is responsible for the finances of the club? Is Fawaz the only one with a chequebook?

*Why does Fawaz allow himself to get drawn into social media spats? Surely this isn't the advice of Adrian Bevington?

*Why exactly has Liam Trotter not signed? Dougie didn't seem to know on Tuesday night and reports have been conflicting and confusing.

*What went wrong with Ben Hamer? Why did we go through the process of announcing his capture if the deal wasn't done?

*Was Dougie barred from selling Lansbury by Fawaz?

*is anyone at the club doing anything to address the worrying slide in match day attendances? The club used to be at the forefront of promotions such as 'kids for a quid' - could it not embrace '20s plenty' or such like?

*We're told that the club is likely to qualify to come out of a transfer embargo next summer. What is the plan after that and what strategy is in place to ensure we don't just revert to spending too much on average players again?

*What wages were actually paid to Jamie Mackie and Djamal Abdoun and why?

*What is the process for selecting new managers? What criteria do we look for?

*When will we last a whole season with the same man in charge?

*What is Fawaz's business experience? Why doesn't he appoint someone to handle day-to-day affairs? Where is the rest of his family?

*Why is the sentiment on social media much more hostile to the manager than it is among those in the stadium?

I'm sure some people might have answers - or part answers - to the issues raised above. I can think of a few suggestions. Little, in truth, is known about the way many football clubs are run. One things for certain though, 'smooth', 'organised' and 'logical' are not words typically attached to Nottingham Forest at the moment.

Still, there's a game on tomorrow. At least we can get back to the action on the pitch...

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