
Sunday 18 September 2016

Nottingham Forest Cheese XI

Despite the defeat to Norwich on Saturday and the distinct lack of a clean sheet, the start of the season under Philippe Montanier has certainly been fun.

The new manager has earned some goodwill by his team's sense of derring do. However, I don't know about you but I can't help but have extra respect for a man who knows his cheese. So, given that our new boss treated the press pack to some fabulous fromage on Friday, it's surely the perfect time to dream up a Forest cheese XI, right?

Photo: Unsplash

This team would form an ambition 4-2-4 formation, meaning those midfielders will need to spread the ball around well. I hope they won't crumble under pressure and, if so, I'm sure they'd get grate results. Anyway, here goes...

Peter Stilton

Eric Dairy Lichaj

Wensleydale Morgan

David Ne-Edam

Ian Brie-Kin

Lee Meltier

Kris Commonbert

Jack Red Leicester

Rafik Djeb-Boursin

Parme-Stan Collymore

Dougie Freed-Manchego


Monterey Jack Hobbs

Cheddar Sheringham

Philadelphia Starbuck

Who said all puns were cheesy? I'm sure I've missed a couple of crackers so please do send your suggestions to the cheese board in the comments below or via Twitter @andrewbrookes84

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